Montessori Conference - virtual

Friday, 10 June 2022 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CEST

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Online attendance Partial Approval - €30.00

You will receive a link to view the recording of the event on June 10 in the evening. The link will be valid until June 13 at midnight.

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Special Registration Partial Approval

By invitation only

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Friday, 10 June 2022 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM CEST

The Montessori online conference presents the topic: 'The needs of children and adolescents in the 21st century. A "Montessori journey" through early childhood, primary school and adolescence.'

More information is available here:

The online conference is being recorded. Registered participants of the conference will receive a link on the evening of June 10th, 2022, with which they can view the recording of the conference online for the next three days, i.e. until June 13th, 2022.


Montessori Bundesverband Deutschland e.V.

Montessori Bundesverband Deutschland represents Montessori schools, training organizations, and teacher associations in Germany.

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